Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Embedding a video/Elements of Film Assignment

Find a clip from one of your favorite films on the internet and embed it in your blog. Then write a blog posting about two of the elements we've discussed from the Language of Film PowerPoint and how they apply to your film clip.

So far, we've talked about:
* Restricted/Unrestricted narration
* Mental Subjectivity
* Subjective point of view
* Authorial point of view
* neutral point of view
* The Classical Hollywood Cinema structure
* photography
* extreme long shot
* long shot
* medium shot
* close up
* extreme close up
* high angle
* low angle
* oblique angle
* Setting
* Costume and makeup
* Lighting

Today we'll talk more about elements of film. Have fun with this! Be sure to cite where you got your video clip.

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